To have your Morrisseau artwork assessed, simply upload images of your art, provide what details you can about the provenance of your piece (your story), and process the appropriate assessment fee. You will be contacted within 72 hours of your submission with a signed verification of authenticity, or a notice that your piece is either unverifiable, or unverifiable at this time.
Ritchie Sinclair, an expert in Morrisseau Art, offers an authentication service to provide peace of mind and financial value to genuine Morrisseau artworks. As a former protégé of Morrisseau, Sinclair has years of experience painting side-by-side with his mentor and has studied Morrisseau’s art in-depth, including identifying forgeries. He has appeared in court numerous times to defend Morrisseau’s name and artwork and played a significant role in ending the mass production of Morrisseau forgeries. Sinclair is considered the go-to person for Morrisseau art authentication by other experts.